Friday, August 5, 2011

Genetically modified organism

Genetically modified organism: an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. All of the fruit in the bowl are considered genetically modified food because their genetic material has been altered to make them look perfect.


Detritivore: are heterotrophs that obtain nutrients by consuming detritus. A worm is considered a detritivore because it eats dirt.


Basidiomycota: is one of the two large phyla that, together with the ascomycota, compromise the subkingdom Dikarya within the Kingdom fungi. Mushrooms are considered to be a part of the basidiomycota division.


Ascomycota: a Division/Phylum of the kingdom Fungi, and subkingdom Dikarya. Its members are commonly known as Sac fungi. The brown on the orange is a type of ascomycota.

Amniotic Egg

Amniotic egg: eggs produced by monotremes, birds, and reptiles that protect the developing organism, as well as aid in gas and energy exchange. A chicken egg is considered to be an amniotic egg.


Xylem: is one of the two types of transport tissue in vascular plants. The stem of a flower is considered the xylem.

Stigma and style of carpel

Stigma and style of carpel: Stigma is the sticky tip of a pistil. Style is the part of the female reproductive structure in the carpel of a flower; formed from the ovary wall. The plant shows the stigma and the style of the carpel.